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The precious gift of kind words and positive feedback.

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Marty's "Living life in chapters" A self development blog: The precious gift of kind words and positive feedback.

Marty's "Living life in chapters" A self development blog

Monday, December 13, 2010

The precious gift of kind words and positive feedback.

When we are praised for something we have achieved, how much of it do we accept?

All too often, we choose to be embarrassed by accepting praise and perhaps give away too much credit to others. It is not wrong to acknowledge the help that others gave us. However, if we do not fully accept the powerful gift of the praise offered us, we waste that energy. Make use of that energy with efficiency.
Consider this:
Lighting a fire or putting on the central heating is done to warm us up in cold weather. WE desire to regulate or re balance the temperature. If we leave a door or window open, we allow the heat to escape. Effectively, the warm energy is wasted. The fuel burns without full effect and will eventually run out! Don’t waste the energy. Ensure the windows and doors are closed and, by all means, invite others in to share in the warmth.
The kind words gifted to us by others are the warmth we need on cold days.
If someone has written you a letter or email of praise and thanks for something you have done, keep is as a most precious gift. It is equivalent to an Olympic gold medal, a diamond encrusted ring or a 24 carat golden trophy. The individual words are the precious and rare treasure gems that are yours to own. Fully accept your gift with grace and thankfulness. Keep it safe and protected. Go look at it regularly and enjoy it!

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  • So true Marty. You have a very special gift. Thank you for being you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Dec 13, 11:41:00 AM GMT  

  • Very true indeed Marty. It's like leaving money on the table. I notice it with my 8 year old daughter but forget all too quickly that it applies just as much to me. I appreciate feedback and kind words. It means a lot when somebody notices something I did, even if I didn't think it was much. The point about drawing on it when it is needed is an interesting one.

    Great to be writing again and am glad you are as well.

    By Blogger Brenny, at Mon Dec 13, 06:24:00 PM GMT  

  • Thank you folks. Gifts I will treasure!

    By Blogger Marty BoneIdol, at Mon Dec 13, 08:58:00 PM GMT  

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