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How observant are you?

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Marty's "Living life in chapters" A self development blog: How observant are you?

Marty's "Living life in chapters" A self development blog

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How observant are you?


[uhb-zur-vuhnt] Show IPA
quick to notice or perceive; alert.
looking at, watching, or regarding attentively; watchful.
careful in the observing of a law, custom, religious ritual, or the like."
Do you spend your day focusing 100% upon your task in hand with regard to everything that immediately concerns you?
Having focus is certainly not a bad thing and in some cases, this is a very useful way to be. To work without distraction. I'd suggest that it works well for particular jobs or certain tasks at certain times. 
Is it useful to adopt this attitude all the time?
There is so much we can miss by being overly focused in an unbalanced fashion. This is particularly the case when working with other people and even more so if working with people and supporting other vulnerable people. The caring professions. 
Here comes another one of my analogies.
If you drive a car, the vehicle will work effectively if all components are in good working order and well maintained. You could say that ideally, there is a cohesiveness in the process. Sometimes, there may be something that does not work so well. 
The car may not start so well in the morning, perhaps on cold mornings. 
The fan belt might squeal. 
The engine may misfire. 
There may be a warning light showing on the dashboard. 
It's all too easy to ignore these seemingly minor intrusions. They may even feel like an irritation, particularly if we have more pressing matters to deal with or do not have the time to deal with them right at that particular moment. 
The car, of course is simply a machine that can be replaced. In many cases it can be abused!
We can think of a team of people as the components of a car. Each have a separate function but all are needed to enable a cohesive and effective operation. 
Some operate independently. 
Some work silently and unseen. 
Some are much more visual and are there to be heard. 
ALL are connected in some way and need each other. 
This works for various teams of people. 
Sports teams.
Places of work.
Bands, choirs  and orchestras.
Places of worship.
A family unit.
A group of people living together. 
A community of people.
These are just a few typical examples.
  • By being observant, we can take care of those around us and become aware of our own function in the team.
  • We can appreciate our own value and the value of others.
  • We can recognise our own function and the function of others.
  • We can help others and seek help from them when we need it. 
  • We can achieve appropriate balance to the whole operation.
There are times or course when our personalities can clash. 
When this happens, it is worth taking a step back and asking ourselves and others the question, "What is that really all about?"
Take time in your day where appropriate to be observant of others around you. It may be that someone is crying out for help but does not know how, or who to ask. 


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