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Onward to the weekend

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Marty's "Living life in chapters" A self development blog: Onward to the weekend

Marty's "Living life in chapters" A self development blog

Friday, September 29, 2006

Onward to the weekend

OK, so I said I wouldn't blog till tonight, Well, I've had a reasonable sleep and thought I'd put something down (not that I've much to say, but then that might change as I write LOL).

I had a new digital TV aerial fitted on the house yesterday. This now means the kids can watch TV in their bedrooms without them arguing over when and what to watch. It all seems to have worked out fine up till now so that is good. Still, its slightly perturbing how reliant we all become on all this modern technology. Every now and again, I'll just settle down with a good book when the mood takes me.

Tomorrow evening I'll be involved with the Alpha Course meal and first meeting where I've been asked to give my testimony. So far we have around 30 guests. I feeling a touch nervous at speaking in front of a few folk. I have done this before, but its still a touch unnerving. Again, this will be an opportunity to meet some more folk and thats something I quite enjoy doing.

Work is still fairly tiring and I still don't feel as inspired as I would like, but its getting better. I guess some of this is down to the administration system we have for maintaining files. I guess in some ways I "just don't get it". Some of what we complete doesn't seem/feel to be effective in my view and I don't know what the answer is. I think I'll need to look back on this post in the future and see how I feel then.

College is going reasonable well. I'm a touch behind with my journals, but feel relatively comfortable that I'll catch up. Just takes a moment of inspiration and I know I can write reams of stuff.

There ya go Marty, see... you've written quite a bit in this blog in the end LOL.

So......... here is todays scribble (been building a few up in recent days)

Rocket Science

Now you have probably come to realise that I spend a fair amount of my leisure time at the local pub. Its somewhere I like to chill out from time to time. Here is another little gem from a few years ago.

Stood in a busy local pub one weekend with a friend, conversations were going on around me and some folk naturally were drawn into other conversations of strangers. I guess this is part of how we make new acquaintances. This particular evening, some young folk were discussing their future having come to the end of University. One particular girl excitedly spoke of an opportunity she had to work for NASA. She described how this had come about through her hard work and tenacity. Quick as a flash, an amusing thought entered my head so I said.

“Well, its not exactly rocket science is it. Hang on! Yes it is!”

It got a few laughs and I’ve always remembered that encounter. Now, whenever I hear people use that old cliché “Its not exactly rocket science, is it” I always reply by saying “Unless you work for NASA, then it IS rocket science”


(10 total)

Hey Masrty, what are you studying at college? I am filling in my time, doing business management, then on to do a b/a, and hopefully, a Masters degree.
As I said, it fills in my time. I study at home, and send the assignments via the internet......Only at exam times do I see a tutor....aint that great?

Friday 29 September 2006 - 09:48AM (PDT)

Marty, whatever you do this weekend, enjoy it...I have had yet another Crap week with the authorities....but what the heck, now its the weekend, the government offices are closed, I cannot hassle anyone, I have great wine in a glass in front of me, and a chinese meal to come later...thats just the start of the weekend...Take care, relax, and be happy XX

Friday 29 September 2006 - 06:25PM (BST)

Well after all my cleaning this week Marty I'm hopefully going to have a quiet w/e and relax:-) so hope you do the same. The music reminds me of a nightclub I used to go to in Batley near Leeds that used to play that music at the beginning of the laser light show lol....thanks for the

Friday 29 September 2006 - 07:30PM (BST)

I havent had to stand up and talk in front of people much but I do remember this one time at ( I feel like I should say at band camp here)(oh that isnt getting at you Marty)(its actually what Alyson Hannigan says throughout the american pie movies) a course I was on from work, we had to talk about a certain subject with the aid of flip charts or whatever for a certain amount of time, I think it had to be something like between 10 and 14 minutes, something like that. Anyway I had organised my talk and had little reminders of my topics as bullet points and knew more or less what I wanted to say, I had practiced it time and again, trying to word it different ways but didnt think I was going to make it last long enough. It came to my turn and I got up and started talking and showing my various visual aids, flip chart, a few slides and I just got really into it, I was explaining away and suddenly noticed I was getting panicky signals off other people in the class, turns out I had been going about 4 minutes too long and never managed to get to the end of what I meant to do, I adlibbed it to death lol.

Friday 29 September 2006 - 07:45PM (BST)

i can talk in front of people if it's spur of the moment, when I've been suddenly dropped in it, but give me time to plan and think and i'm useless. good luck. love the music today.

Friday 29 September 2006 - 09:17PM (BST)

Bless your time in Alpha. Hope all goes well

Friday 29 September 2006 - 02:11PM (PDT)

Marty, I agree with you on the music. It brings to mind sweeping vistas and grand it seems to go on for a long always surprises me to see it lasts less than two minutes.
And the most effective use of the piece, to me, will always be in that film in the vid. 2001 was, and still is, a turning point in cinematic history.

Saturday 30 September 2006 - 12:57AM (BST)

You will be fine? Speek out you will be great?? I loved you video?

Friday 29 September 2006 - 11:47PM (ADT)

Thankyou for all your wonderful words marty. I cant imagin you wont do well,in all you try.

Saturday 30 September 2006 - 08:48AM (BST)

We are much too reliant on technology Marty, unfortunately it is not until it fails that you realise exactly how much. You also remind me that I need to upgrade my T.V.aerial, I had a shiney new T.V. a couple of months ago and can't use some of the whistles and bells because of it. Bit like buying a new bike and not putting the pedals on.

Sunday 1 October 2006 - 07:24PM (BST)


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