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How to Identify your Direction

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Marty's "Living life in chapters" A self development blog: How to Identify your Direction

Marty's "Living life in chapters" A self development blog

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

How to Identify your Direction

Today's blog is inspired by the free training set up by Steven Aitchison's "Mind Alchemy". It will be pretty likely most of my blogs over the coming month will have that very same motivation. 

Completing the day 2 exercise gave me real food for thought. 

Identifying key elements of what we want to achieve and how we word that in our mind really does display the elements that can hold us back. The instructions provided on Mind Alchemy, if followed authentically really do bring some clarity. By allowing too much focus on what we want to move away from, we do not allow the creative part of our mind to search for solutions. The training I received at the weekend in coaching people very much focuses on, 

"What can you do?"
"What else can you do?"

Asking these questions in more and more creative ways allow the mind to use the creative area of the brain. We can ask these questions of ourselves. 

When running groups at work, I often find that I have creative ideas during the group that are not pre-planned. It is a skill that I realise I have been gifted with and have finally accepted. I firmly believe that everyone has this ability if they choose to tap into it. I've said this before and highly recommend it. Try doing the Honey Mumford Learning Styles questionnaire.  Doing this, I found it helped me to discover more clearly, my identity and to value that. It will give you a great insight to your learning style and will identify that you do have a creative element.

Honey Mumford. Here's a quick and easy link to one. Click here

Facing a problem....
Here is a way of approaching it.

  1. Ask yourself "What can I do?" Don't worry at this stage if nothing comes to mind.
  2. Take some time out for relaxation and meditation. Follow a guided meditation resource such as the following. Click here
  3. Now that you be a little calmer, ask yourself again "What can I do? What else can I do?"
  4. Write down your answers.
  5. Do a brain training exercise such as a word puzzle, crossword, Sudoku. You might like to listen to some suitable music when doing this. I highly recommend listening to Bach if you are doing a numbers puzzle.
  6. Finally, again ask yourself "What else can I do?"
When returning to ask the questions in each case, try not to focus too much on the problem. Do focus on searching for solutions. 

An example for me today is having one or two issues around finances. Some creative ideas I've had around this are to link up with a friend and go busking for a day. That is just one idea that may be possible. There are plenty of others. 

On the subject of money. I think the reason I get frustrated about it is because I've always focused on not having enough instead of being grateful for what I do have. Once accepting that, I can free up energy to move forward to greater comfort.
Finally, in case you haven't already seen it, here is Steve Aitchison's interview recorded yesterday talking about Mind Alchemy.

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  • Marty I have done many such courses and the hardest thing is actually doing anything. I recomend people to embark on these courses but after the initial rush after a few days the glow wears thin and by the weekend it is in the cupboard with the exercise bike. I would recomend buddying dont do it alone get someone on board to encouragee and cajole and that way it becomes acountable. I know how good this stuff is and I also know how good Salads are but I still prefer a bacon sarny over a Salad.

    By Blogger Don Wood, at Wed Feb 02, 03:48:00 PM GMT  

  • Hey Marty, thanks for blogging about this and adding to the day 2 article.

    By Anonymous Steven Aitchison, at Wed Feb 02, 05:55:00 PM GMT  

  • @ Don. I agree that it is all too easy to lose momentum on these courses. That is probably why so many of them encourage people to attend in person. Doing this sort of thing online does need mutual support and that is what Steve is encouraging. It also take plenty of non judgement when folks come across blocks and problems. The motivation in helping must be that and that alone, putting any self interest as far back as possible. Thanks again for feeding back. It is valuable.

    By Blogger Marty BoneIdol, at Wed Feb 02, 06:26:00 PM GMT  

  • @ Steve.
    It's a pleasure Steve. Just doing this is motivation in itself.

    By Blogger Marty BoneIdol, at Wed Feb 02, 06:27:00 PM GMT  

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