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Marty's "Living life in chapters" A self development blog: 9/3/06 - 9/10/06

Marty's "Living life in chapters" A self development blog

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Just another Saturday

Hi Folks

I've spent this morning practicing my trombone. Although I have a valve trombone, learning the the slide postions is slightly different so its a touch like retraining my brain to do this.

I'm back to work tomorrow and have quite a busy week ahead with some training coming up for my second job with the Youth Offending Team. As is happens, they are now advertising for full time positions. The salary is better than where I am now and its day work too, so I've decided to put in an application. I've been with The Lighthouse Project nearly 3 years and I'm beginning to think its time to move on to pastures new for a different challenge. There was a time when I always did my best to stay in the same job, but I realise now that sometimes its best to keep myself open to other opportunities. The longest I've worked anywhere has been 5 years and I ended up with a breakdown on that one!

I've been feeling a bit of emotion in the last couple of days, but I sense a kind of a block thats stopping it coming out. I don't like this feeling, its stressful. Its like worrying about something thats not really there. I guess this will blow over and I think it would be good for me to go running later today... something I've not down for a couple of weeks.
I'm still writing bits and pieces. Having read Brennys blog, I'm considering writing a short story (details on Brennys blast). Here is today's scribbling.

Tribute to one of my oldest and closest friends John.

John and I met at about age 12. We both learned the cornet at school, although John started a year after me because he was in the bottom set class at school. In fact, he told me years later that he was lucky to get into the same Secondary Modern School we both went to because at age 11 he had been diagnosed as “educationally subnormal”. Still, John held his own in class and managed pretty well. We became firm friends and both joined the school band and later the Margate Silver Band.

Now I found out something really quite annoying about John quite early on. He was a bit of a dark horse. He was really very good at getting the better of me (and many others, I might add). The first time I played table tennis with him in a class competition, I laughed with scorn at his technique because I believed I was better having played for longer and knew a few spin shots. Trouble was, when I came up against him, he beat me.

And so it was to be….. he beat me in most things…. Chess…. Draughts…… racing push bikes. We used to go riding our bikes in the summer (which invariably resulted in one of us getting a puncture). I had a 5 gear drop handlebar racer and John had his old upright bike with no gears. On the way home we would always race the last bit with me going ahead with my head down peddling like mad and as streamlined as possible. … Somehow… John would always whiz past me in the last few hundred yards.. bolt upright with the pedal clanking against the chain guard on his old “grandad” bike as I used to call it. I can honestly say I never beat him.

When we were older and both had cars ( a Hilman Imp each) we used to go into Margate after a beer or two to get a kebab. This was a 5 mile drive and the nearest kebab house in the area back then in the early 80’s. Of course, there was the inevitable race. How we got away with this I’ll never know. One particular evening, myself, John and another friend Nigel (who had an Austin Maxi) raced up to Margate. Nigel’s car was a better performance car, so there was no way I was going to catch him, however I’d stolen a march on John that evening. Reaching speeds of 75 mph in a 50mph zone (long before speed camera’s came along), I saw Nigel go through the lights. As I got there, they turned amber. John was about 400 yards behind me. “Ha! He will never beat me this time” so I slowed a little down to about 45 in the sure knowledge I had got one over him. All of a sudden, there is a flash of lights in my rear view mirror as John shoots straight past me! Not to be outdone, he’d gone straight through the red light!

John always beats the odds. He was a late developer and achieved higher grades than me in school. After a couple of years as a technician down the pit, he went on to college and finally ended up working for Marconi Space (now taken over) as a microwave engineer, a job he does to this day very successfully. I take joy now in seeing John win games of pool or darts down the pub in the way he always used to because he never gives up. A real inspiration and one of my closest friends. (Oh… and by the way… He is a better brass musician than me too).

I found this on the net this morning. I complete nutcase playing the trombone. Hope you enjoy!


(7 total)

Well that was different, couldnt believe he got a standing ovation I would have been sending for the nutter van, wasnt much trombone playing though was there, do you do a little dance when you play ? I think going for a run will help you a lot Marty matey, release a bit of pressure.

Saturday 9 September 2006 - 02:02PM (BST)

Oh loved the sign by the way, the colonel has religious backing !

Saturday 9 September 2006 - 02:02PM (BST)

Hmm - noticing friends who are better than you....that is something I am very familiar with. Feeling less than? I guess we both have learning to do, - well I still do - about living ourselves truly for our own abilities and specialness - you are doing the work you are called to do, and he is doing his, though the world "out there" may applaud his technical abilities it is people like you who do the hard core face to face stuff that are special. The unknown. Your skills are as as great as his. In my eyes - greater than - and that is just my way of thinking..


Saturday 9 September 2006 - 03:17PM (BST)

Bet you get more blog views!

Saturday 9 September 2006 - 03:17PM (CDT)

Mart, it's when we start seeing the good and great about others (and without malice), that our growth starts. YOu must be very fortunate to grow up, being able to admire friends 'better than you', rather than being
'jealous' of it! It's a rare blessing indeed. No wonder you are able to lead a life 'giving'.

Hats Off!!

Sunday 10 September 2006 - 07:11AM (IST)

Great vid again Marty. Now, there's me thinking the "slide" was part of the I realise it's what u do with your feet as you play lol!!!!
As for friends, I think Dormouse summed it up pretty well.

Sunday 10 September 2006 - 02:41AM (BST)

The greatest thing about John is, we a really good friends. The truth is he admires what I do too. He always comes to see me when he is down to see his family. He is always respectful and we always have a good alugh about the old days. The "getting one over me" is a source of humour, but I do catch him out sometimes these days!

Sunday 10 September 2006 - 09:09AM (BST)

Friday, September 08, 2006

Zoe, our family cat

Greetings and salutations folks!

Very many thanks to all of you for indulging me and commenting on my bit of fun yesterday. The Colonel was very pleased. I'm a bit cross with him for distracting you all on the instructional video. That said, it was fun to do... and yes I think I'm losing it. LOL

Chis and I popped into Margate yesterday to pay a couple of bills. On our way back to the car, I spotted a guy sitting on a bench wearing a white hoody. There was a big splash of red on the back which caught me attention. As I got nearer, I realised it was blood. This guy was clearly drunk, or at least under the influence of some kind of substance and he had taken a serious beating from someone. His face was cut and bruised. I kinda wanted speak with him and help him. As it happened, we just went on by. As We got in the car he came past us and looked in. He was spitting blood and also looked somewhat agressive.
Its moments like this when I wonder what becomes of people. Most of us walk on by. I guess I made a mental risk assessment of the situation as to whether I offer assistance to the guy.
1. he was covered in blood... something dangerous not knowing what illnesses he may have.
2. The guy was clearly "out of it". I sensed a danger that he could lash out and not understand the offer of help.
3. I had Christine with me and of course I had concern for her safety.
In the end, I just said a little prayer for the guy in my mind and drove away. I wonder if anybody stopped to help him. He needed to get to hospital to get cleaned up. Truth is, most of us walk on by. Sad, isn't it. There are too many dangers.

Todays scribbling.... linked to yesterdays one about C&E.... followed by a video tribute to our family pussy cat ZOE. She is very regal and a dreadful snob. She seems to take great joy on ignoring me and treating me with contempt. She has busy days which need plenty of sleep due to being completely knackered after a long stare out the window. Note her "queen" status at the top of the table at dinner time.

What it was like to work as a shipping agent

Declaring revenue in the job I did required a very high degree of accuracy. Of course many jobs require this, but in this case, an error would invoke the following: -

If you made a mistake in a calculation, an immediate request would be made by C&E for you to attend an investigation at their offices. This is likened to being arrested in that you are taken to a room by 2 customs officers (the second one as the witness) and read your rights including asking if you required legal representation. The offending customs entry would be shown as evidence and you would be asked to explain how and why this happened. During the explanation, you would be asked leading questions such as “Would you say that you were careless?” Finally, a begging for forgiveness letter would be required and most likely a fine would be imposed upon your employer. In rare cases, that fine would be at the individual. The fine, combined with the delay of freight costs were very high and could result in dismissal.

The pressure was very high in this work. Being work at a port, there was a tradition to frequent the pub every day. The industry was full of alcoholics, particularly those in middle management. I saw some guys disappear for a while to “dry out”. Some left their jobs on medical grounds due to stress.


(20 total)

It is sad that most people just walk on by. I remember on time when I got off work (around 11:30pm), I was walking to meet the light rail to go home. There were street preachers talking loudly about how people need to accept the Lord and repent of their sins, and help others. There was also a blind man who was clearly lost, and asking for help. No one would help him. I offered my assistance to him and wound up walking 8 blocks the opposite direction to help him to his hotel. I got home about an hour and a half late that night, but it didn't bother me. What did bother me was that no one else, not even those many street preachers that were oth that night, bothered to even speak to this guy.

Friday 8 September 2006 - 01:42PM (EEST) R

I know how you feel. Sometimes its too dangerous to help someone. I used to help people once the "attack" had already happened and help them while calling an ambulance, but it really didnt seem as dangerous then as it is now.
Yesterday Taz and I were in our car when we saw a woman on crutches with a man. At first it looked like they were just chatting, but as we passed he started shouting at her and she was backing away from him trying to get him away with her crutches. It amazed me how people were walking past but I could also see why they didnt want to get involved.
What a sad world we live in.

Your cat is gorgeous! Very snobby looking like my 1st cat Penny. Brings back lovely memories! :)

Friday 8 September 2006 - 12:02PM (BST)

I think you did the right thing Marty matey, you really had no idea how dangerous he was and having Chris with you you were absolutely correct not to take any chances. The cat looks like its waiting for its own plate lol.

Friday 8 September 2006 - 12:22PM (BST)

Zoe is a very pretty cat..we share the same name!!

Friday 8 September 2006 - 07:21AM (CDT)

Reminds me of the story/song about the Good Samaritan.

Nowadays it is hard to try and help others,
You have no idea if they are dangerous or if the attackers will come back to have another go.

My wife and I have been in similar situations, you feel like you should go and offer them a hand, but worry about the repreccussions.

I think you did the right thing, you was not alone

Friday 8 September 2006 - 12:28AM (GMT+12)

It is an exceedingly sorry state we do find ourselves in sometimes, where the biggest part of us wants to help, but we know we can often be putting ourselves at risk, very sad indeed!

As for the cat...why do they treat us, humans, the hands that feed us, with such contempt? Mine used to look at me as I was something dragged in but not by him, maybe its a revenge thing, seeing as I'd had his balls whipped off?...

Friday 8 September 2006 - 01:57PM (BST)

ZOE is quite the madam, hehee, she really is a beauty and seems to know it too.
I am sorry you felt you had to walk on by that man. It is sad, although even if you were alone, nowadays you just don't know what can happen. It's very unfair that good people such as your self have been put off by such dangers of everyday life. You are a sweet man, gentle and caring, it was really wonderful that even though you noticed the dangers you still said a prayer, even if you couldn't stop you still did more for that man by saying a silent word for him.
bless you and keep smilin! X

Friday 8 September 2006 - 02:01PM (BST)

Zoe - phew what an exhausting life she leads - I fell tired just watching her...


Friday 8 September 2006 - 04:37PM (BST)

I hope that guy got some help too, but I can understand why you couldn't do anything.

Boy, that cat knows how to sleep! When he was lying on the picnic table I thought he had gone up to kitty heaven. Thats how I look on the couch after a few beers and a day of football.

Friday 8 September 2006 - 10:48AM (CDT)

Hei Marty.

Toughie. Hmm... Hard to know as to help or not to help.
Da Pussy is ab fab Lady cat who knows where she is at. I see, snooker on the telly in the background.
Take care. Have a great weekend. =)

Friday 8 September 2006 - 08:17PM (CEST)

I think you did the right thing Marty...but it makes you realise what a sad place the world has become. I once stopped to help someone who was laid out flat on the floor not a young guy he was in his 40's i'd say.... it soon became apparant that he too was under the influence and he lashed out at me...i bore the bruise on my face for several weeks...a sure reminder to me that I don't put myself in that situation again!

Loved the vid! How does Zoe manage such a hectic schedule, all that staring out the wonder she sleeps so!! x

Friday 8 September 2006 - 09:07PM (BST)

Zoe is so cute cool cat ,with leisurely style ! hehehe I hope to have one cool cat !wish everyone in your family have a great weekend ! :)

Saturday 9 September 2006 - 04:08AM (CST)

It's a tough one isn't it? I have been in numerous situations similar to that where I would've been putting others at risk by trying to help somebody. Especially given the fact that Christine was in the car with you.

I just watched Born into Brothels, the documentary on children of sex workers in Calcutta, and it really gave me a jolt. It's so true that there is a lot of sadness in the world.

Friday 8 September 2006 - 05:08PM (EDT)

I wouldn't call it sad that people walk by, sensible is the word I would use, there are situations where help is needed by someone and I would not hesitate, a drunk covered in blood is not one of them.

Friday 8 September 2006 - 11:29PM (BST)

What is the difference between a cat and a comma? One has the paws before the claws and the other has the clause before the pause.

Friday 8 September 2006 - 06:30PM (EDT)

A man is in a bar and falling off his stool every couple of minutes. He is obviously drunk. So the bartender says to another man in the bar: "Why don't you be a "Good Samaritan" and take him home."
The man takes the drunk out the door and to his car and he stumbles at least ten times. They drive along and the drunk points out his house to the man. He stops the car and the drunk stumbles up the steps to his house with the man.
The drunk's wife greets them at the door: "Why thank you for bringing him home for me, but where's his wheel chair?"

Friday 8 September 2006 - 06:46PM (EDT)

Thanks for yout support on this folks. These days, seeing someone "out of it" on the street seems to affect me more than it used to. Truth is, I think I've always been that way, but I learned not to be for many years, a kind of denial of self. I feel more comfortable with who I really am now.

Great joke Moo man.... I can always rely on you to come up with a funny!

Saturday 9 September 2006 - 12:22AM (BST)

Zoe is one cool cat. It's such a hard life being a cat, too. She looked really miffed at the table. Like..."where's mine, then?" lol
It was interesting to read what you were saying about working in C & E. In many ways it's not so different in the government dept I work in. The internal investigators are VERY scary people. And stress......well, goes with the territory. As the saying goes "Show me a civil servant who doesn't drink and i'll show yer a liar" lol

Saturday 9 September 2006 - 01:31AM (BST)

My old girl used to call me Puddy tat! (BC!)

Ask the Colonel if he would like to relate his experiences in India during the war??

Tuesday 12 September 2006 - 08:28PM (IST)

Excellent Idea Raj. I'll put it too him.

Tuesday 12 September 2006 - 08:20PM (BST)